Sunday, August 22, 2010

5 Reasons to Stop Making Lists

1. A common yet erroneous belief among our species is that life exists in a state of controlled chaos, when in fact our empirically proven laws of physics have all drawn upon a principle of chaotic control. Rather than allowing our natural tendency for chaos to prosper, the making of lists simulates an illusory control of the biological process we call thinking, and therefore violates a fundamental principle of the universe.

2. If you make lists by hand, consider the following: An average $0.50 ballpoint pen can draw a continuous line for a quarter of a mile before the ink runs out. This roughly corresponds to a three week period of list-making if you write one 10-item list per day with a moderately sized handwriting. If you include the cost of paper, you would be spending at least $11.72 per year, which adds up to about $656.32 in the lifespan of an average list-maker. Would you call that a responsible investment?

3. The relationship between "list-making" and "listening" is not solely explained by a shared linguistic origin. A Harvard University study performed in 2001 concluded that list-making tends to decrease a persons capacity for listening with about 22.7%. This is due to a psychological process known as neural filtering that takes place among people who regularly make lists. They will mentally reject any form of communication that is not itemized on the grounds that the information is simply too "dysfunctional" and "disorganized".

4. Consider the definition of the word listless: "Disinclined for any effort or exertion". Now, answer truthfully: Would you prefer to be drained of the sap of life as you toil and exert yourself needlessly, or would you rather spend the rest of your days in blissful comfort and ease? If you're like me, then only a listless lifestyle may bring you the long-lasting satisfaction you seek.

5. I knew this guy up in Sacramento, California. He was a three time triathlon champion with a wife and a 3-year old kid. About a month ago he sat down and wrote a list of all the things he wanted to accomplish in life. 36 hours later, they found him dead in his bathtub, drained of all blood and with bite marks on his thigh. True story.

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